Bashkir State Medical University is always known for the oldest and top medical university in Russia, it holds the top rank among the 5 best medical universities. BSMU university becomes popular among international students for various reasons which include a very easy admission process, low fee structure, no capitation fees, direct admission. The excellent quality of education, Multi Diversity, the eco-friendly environment are the biggest factors of Bashkir State Medical University. All these factors are bringing near about 7200 Indian students every year. BSMU has unique teaching technique of skilled and professional faculties that is the major plus for them. This university is also known as the fastest-growing university among all top medical universities in Russia and achieved more success in the medical field. Many of the students are worried about at the time of admission that what type of accommodation the university will provide? When you are at the university need not worry about the hostel facility, food quality, etc because this university pays more attention to hostel facilities for the students who come here from India or any other country. This university is also giving more focus on practical knowledge for the students, Skilled faculties are there to help you In practical practices that is a good sign to start your career from here. The Bashkir State Medical University is one of the leading universities in Russia among all top universities.
For 60 years Bashkir state medical university has been successfully making international doctors for health care, scientific and practical work in the pride of professional medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Federation. The university faculty consists of teaching, medical, scientific, and innovative activity. Bashkir state medical university has technical resources, training facilities, and wast library stock. BSMU is placed among the top 10 best medical universities in Russia. The University is known for providing quality education at affordable fees for the students who are coming from different countries. This university is also made to the list of the Largest Medico-Scientific centers in the capital city of Bashkortostan Republic I.e. UFA. Since 1932, it has been training the medical students who come to Russia to fulfill their dream to become a doctor. The BSMU has Government Recognized university and attains a license to train foreign students. In today’s time, this university is a scientific establishment that carries out the methodical, fundamental, and applied scientific researches. The Bashkir State Medical University works jointly with WHO (World Health Organization) and also a member of WHO accredited by the Medical Council of India, Malaysian Medical Council, General Medical Council, and many other countries. The mode of language for the course is instructed in English for foreign students who don’t understand the Russian language.
This University is one of the leading universities in Russia. BSMU comes under the top 10 medical universities in Russia due to its high-quality education system. Students who are looking to pursue low-cost MBBS in Russia then this is the right and ideal place. Students can enhance their knowledge and nourish their skills at BSMU due to its amazing study and student-friendly environment.


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